Monday, 26 November 2018
SET PRODUCT : Tide print advert
Analyse how the technical codes are used to persuade the specific audience at this specific time to buy the product.
You should include the following technical codes and historical contexts :
Layout and design
Lighting and colour
Clothing /props/ gesture/expression
Hard/soft sell
Unique selling point
Mode of address
the 1950s consumer and technology boom
the stereotypical housewife
the American dream of success and upward mobility
post-war American wealth
The growth in American suburbs
1950s fashion and film imagery
You should also include analysis of at least one theory discussed in class.
( Barthes, Gerbner, Hall etc.)
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Share/export your production video as an mp4, mov or m4v file : don't just save the project.
Copy this file into a named folder here :
Monday, 5 November 2018
KEY TEXT : Late night woman's hour
Based on the overview and specific content from at least two episodes , explain the following about Late Night Woman's Hour with examples from the programme supporting your points
Themes and subjects of programme
Structure and content of typical episodes ( interviews, feature pieces, discussion , phone-in , etc.)
Use of celebrities / experts
Target audience in detail ( national/local/global, age /gender/ethnicity , interests , use of other media)
Use of spoken language ( mode of address, formal/informal, emotional language)
Use of audio codes ( music, sting , theme )
Opportunities for audience feedback
Marketing /advertising of and links to own programme and other ( BBC) content
Sunday, 4 November 2018
Complete the following written tasks using notes, class discussion and the relevant section in the textbook (P82-88)
Define and give an example of a commercial and a public Service radio broadcaster, explaining the key differences.
Explain the identity and purpose of the BBC based on its origins, history and how it is funded
How does the BBC use cross-platform marketing ( give examples)
How does the BBC broadcast or provide content nationally, locally and globally. ( give examples)
Content and style of BBC Radio 4 LINK
Based on the types of programmes available, the branding of the station , the choice of presenters and listening to the content, explain the general content, identity and audience of Radio 4 give some examples of speech-based radio programmes from the station.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Copyright-free music and sound effects
Youtube has copyright-free music available in the create section of your Youtube Creator account
TV THEMES etc. Free SFX and themes
Register with Free sound effects and some music
TV THEMES etc. Free SFX and themes
Register with Free sound effects and some music
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
TELEVISION : Crime Drama contexts
1 Define and explain the history , cultural elements and generic conventions of " Nordic Noir".
2 Summarise and explain the production and distribution stages of The Bridge ( up to series 3 ) , focusing on any problems and issues surrounding finance and ownership. Give detailed information about the television stations which produced and broadcast the programme.
2 Summarise and explain the production and distribution stages of The Bridge ( up to series 3 ) , focusing on any problems and issues surrounding finance and ownership. Give detailed information about the television stations which produced and broadcast the programme.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
CRIME DRAMA KEY TEXT 2 : The Bridge S3 ep1
Analyse how The Bridge Series 3 episode 1 LINK uses the following :
Narrative elements ( structure, format, longform narrative, plots and subplots, enigmas, restricted/unrestricted narrative, )
Genre codes ( procedural elements, plot/character conventions and stereotypes )
Technical codes ( moving image codes e.g use of camera, visual codes e.g lighting and colour, mise-en-scene , iconography, audio codes ( e.g music, sound effects,dialogue )
Representations ( e.g gender, national identity, sexuality)
Representation of the main character; her methods, personality, relationships with others , efffect on audience identification and previous history.
to position audiences and create audience pleasure ,identification and responses , using specific examples from the episode .
Look closely at the mise-en-scene and narrative of key scenes. You will also need a basic understanding of the events of series 1 and 2.
Narrative elements ( structure, format, longform narrative, plots and subplots, enigmas, restricted/unrestricted narrative, )
Genre codes ( procedural elements, plot/character conventions and stereotypes )
Technical codes ( moving image codes e.g use of camera, visual codes e.g lighting and colour, mise-en-scene , iconography, audio codes ( e.g music, sound effects,dialogue )
Representations ( e.g gender, national identity, sexuality)
Representation of the main character; her methods, personality, relationships with others , efffect on audience identification and previous history.
to position audiences and create audience pleasure ,identification and responses , using specific examples from the episode .
Look closely at the mise-en-scene and narrative of key scenes. You will also need a basic understanding of the events of series 1 and 2.
Sunday, 2 September 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Crime drama KEY TEXT 1 : LIFE ON MARS ep 1
Analyse how Life on Mars ( episode 1) uses the technical codes and the all of the key terms listed below to position audiences and create audience pleasure and responses , using specific examples from the episode .
Make sure you especially focus on areas such as generic codes ( crime and scifi) , iconography
( props,costume and settings) , cultural/historical and genre contexts such as police methods, historical events etc, characters such as the investigator and sidekick, the audience surrogate and point of identification , issues of representation of ethnicity and gender , enigma codes and restricted/unrestricted narratives.
Look closely at the mise-en-scene and narrative of key scenes.
The text book contains all of the key terms, particularly on narrative ( P139-142 ).
This should be a thorough analysis about the same length as an exam question ( 1000 words + )
Make sure you especially focus on areas such as generic codes ( crime and scifi) , iconography
( props,costume and settings) , cultural/historical and genre contexts such as police methods, historical events etc, characters such as the investigator and sidekick, the audience surrogate and point of identification , issues of representation of ethnicity and gender , enigma codes and restricted/unrestricted narratives.
Look closely at the mise-en-scene and narrative of key scenes.
The text book contains all of the key terms, particularly on narrative ( P139-142 ).
This should be a thorough analysis about the same length as an exam question ( 1000 words + )
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Crime Drama : Luther opening
Analyse the technical codes and narrative of the pre-credit sequence , the credit sequence and the opening few minutes of Series 1, Episode 1 of Luther. What do these sequences tell the audience about the following ?
The main character ( the investigator ). Personality, unique qualities , personal life, previous history, relationship to colleagues , attitude towards crime and criminals, working methods.
Other stock characters ( sidekick, boss, romantic interest etc.)
Representation of ethnicity, gender, age etc. Any stereotypical behaviours ? Is the ethnicity or gender specifically highlighted as important elements of any of the characters ?
Analyse the technical codes and narrative of the pre-credit sequence , the credit sequence and the opening few minutes of Series 1, Episode 1 of Luther. What do these sequences tell the audience about the following ?
The main character ( the investigator ). Personality, unique qualities , personal life, previous history, relationship to colleagues , attitude towards crime and criminals, working methods.
Other stock characters ( sidekick, boss, romantic interest etc.)
Representation of ethnicity, gender, age etc. Any stereotypical behaviours ? Is the ethnicity or gender specifically highlighted as important elements of any of the characters ?
Friday, 18 May 2018
FILM POSTERS : revision
Analyse how the technical codes and use of genre conventions of two film posters try to persuade different audiences to see the films
MUSIC VIDEO revision
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Charity advertisements
How are audiences positioned by the use of media language/conventions and the representations in the Save The Children " Most Shocking Second a Day " charity advert and one other moving image charity advert ?
Write a full written answer using your knowledge of media language and conventions( P61-3), specific charity advert conventions , visual codes ( costume , props ,expression etc.) , audio codes
(music, voiceover, sound effects, dialogue ) and moving image codes ( use of camera angles , editing etc.) . Also how the representations of age, gender, ethnicity, national identity etc. are portrayed in your chosen adverts.
Here are some more examples to choose from
and some more Christmas charity adverts
Write a full written answer using your knowledge of media language and conventions( P61-3), specific charity advert conventions , visual codes ( costume , props ,expression etc.) , audio codes
(music, voiceover, sound effects, dialogue ) and moving image codes ( use of camera angles , editing etc.) . Also how the representations of age, gender, ethnicity, national identity etc. are portrayed in your chosen adverts.
Here are some more examples to choose from
and some more Christmas charity adverts
Friday, 20 April 2018
1 Use the conventions and technical codes for media forms you have previously studied ( posters, trailers etc.) , and information from the textbook to give a detailed analysis of your marketing campaign as if it was an industry media text. Analyse elements such as camera shot types, use of colour , lexis, font , tagline , main image, layout elements , use of sound and editing.
How did your media campaign achieve the following ?
Use of genre conventions
Audience Appeal and promise of pleasure
Encouraging repeat viewing and fandom
Use specific technical examples from the different parts of your campaign
(synopsis/ poster/trailer/other marketing ) and key media terminology.
2 Make sure your marketing campaign has at least one detailed comment analysing its technical success and audience appeal .
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Based on the techniques used in the case studies you have looked at , you will now be creating a marketing campaign for an original film idea. ( Groups of 2/3).
Your marketing campaign must include the following :
Genre, use of stars , basic plot and character summary, influence of other films /media texts. This can be presented in a powerpoint or other document.
Demonstrate knowledge of how film producers identify and target their audience using visual codes, star billing, promise of pleasure , tag line, images, mode of address, expert criticism and other relevant technical codes. This should also include a relevant release date and certification.
Demonstrate knowledge of how producers identify and target their audience using visual and moving image codes, star billing ,use of camera shots and angles ,editing,sound, mis-en-scene, iconography , promise of pleasure , tag line, mode of address , expert criticism and any other relevant technical codes. Your actors can assume the role of relevant real-life stars if you wish.
This could be a magazine article about the film or its stars , ideas for a viral marketing campaign, links to social media or mobile technology or an online interview for a relevant website. Any other ideas to maximise and effectively target your audience ?
Your marketing campaign must include the following :
Genre, use of stars , basic plot and character summary, influence of other films /media texts. This can be presented in a powerpoint or other document.
Demonstrate knowledge of how film producers identify and target their audience using visual codes, star billing, promise of pleasure , tag line, images, mode of address, expert criticism and other relevant technical codes. This should also include a relevant release date and certification.
Demonstrate knowledge of how producers identify and target their audience using visual and moving image codes, star billing ,use of camera shots and angles ,editing,sound, mis-en-scene, iconography , promise of pleasure , tag line, mode of address , expert criticism and any other relevant technical codes. Your actors can assume the role of relevant real-life stars if you wish.
This could be a magazine article about the film or its stars , ideas for a viral marketing campaign, links to social media or mobile technology or an online interview for a relevant website. Any other ideas to maximise and effectively target your audience ?
Monday, 26 February 2018
FILM INDUSTRY : Case study
Analyse the marketing campaign for Straight Outta Compton in terms of the following :
Identify its target audience ( mainstream/independent , age ,gender etc. ) based on the following
( budget, genre, plot, characters, narrative, production values , marketability, role of stars/director, visual appeal/style etc)
How the film marketing has targeted its target audience : analyse the technical codes of the trailer and poster ( use of camera e.g closeups of star , editing , mis-en-scene, lighting and colour , sound and dialogue)
Analyse the viral Straight Outta Somewhere marketing campaign that was used to help publicise the film. How did this campaign target audiences and what techniques did it use to raise awareness of and interest in the film ?
More information here
Summarise the commercial reception of the film : how financially successful was it ?
Were there any other media products linked to the film that would have also made money for the producers ?
Give reasons why you feel the film was successful ( genre, producers,theme,audience , synergy with other media products/industries).
Regulation and Certification
What rating did the film receive from the BBFC ?
Did the Directors Cut receive a different rating ? If so, why ?
Are there any politically sensitive or controversial themes or content in the film ?
Identify its target audience ( mainstream/independent , age ,gender etc. ) based on the following
( budget, genre, plot, characters, narrative, production values , marketability, role of stars/director, visual appeal/style etc)
How the film marketing has targeted its target audience : analyse the technical codes of the trailer and poster ( use of camera e.g closeups of star , editing , mis-en-scene, lighting and colour , sound and dialogue)
Analyse the viral Straight Outta Somewhere marketing campaign that was used to help publicise the film. How did this campaign target audiences and what techniques did it use to raise awareness of and interest in the film ?
More information here
Summarise the commercial reception of the film : how financially successful was it ?
Were there any other media products linked to the film that would have also made money for the producers ?
Give reasons why you feel the film was successful ( genre, producers,theme,audience , synergy with other media products/industries).
Regulation and Certification
What rating did the film receive from the BBFC ?
Did the Directors Cut receive a different rating ? If so, why ?
Are there any politically sensitive or controversial themes or content in the film ?
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Analyse one "mainstream" high concept movie and one "independent" drama/comedy covering the following :
How each film meets ( or does not meet ) the definition of being a mainstream/independent film
( size of audience , genre, characters, narrative, production values , marketability, role of stars/director, visual appeal/style etc)
How each film's trailer has targeted its different audience : analyse the technical codes of each trailer ( use of camera e.g closeups of star , editing , mis-en-scene, lighting and colour , sound and dialogue)
Who regulates the content for both your films ?
Who owns the production , distribution and exhibition of each film ? What else do they own ? Any examples of vertical integration ?
Are there any political or social issues , or issues of representation , linked to the film's content ?
Black Panther trailer
Lady Bird trailer
How each film meets ( or does not meet ) the definition of being a mainstream/independent film
( size of audience , genre, characters, narrative, production values , marketability, role of stars/director, visual appeal/style etc)
How each film's trailer has targeted its different audience : analyse the technical codes of each trailer ( use of camera e.g closeups of star , editing , mis-en-scene, lighting and colour , sound and dialogue)
Who regulates the content for both your films ?
Who owns the production , distribution and exhibition of each film ? What else do they own ? Any examples of vertical integration ?
Are there any political or social issues , or issues of representation , linked to the film's content ?
Black Panther trailer
Lady Bird trailer
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Video Games Case Study : Assassins Creed 3 : Liberation
Complete a written case study of the game focusing on all of these elements, using the information from the video links and websites.
Summarise genre, avator ( including personas) , world( setting, era etc.) controls and goals of game, multiplayer options and limitations
RESOURCES :Reviews and summaries of avator, world, controls, multiplayer element and relationship to format/platform
Ownership and Franchise
Give summary of company , history of franchise.
When was the game released in different formats ( e.g Vita , PS3 ) and was it a global release ? Was it released in physical and online form ?
Marketing and Advertising
How was game advertised ( trailers,posters, articles etc.) and what elements of the game/format were featured and focused upon and why ?
Summarise genre, avator ( including personas) , world( setting, era etc.) controls and goals of game, multiplayer options and limitations
RESOURCES :Reviews and summaries of avator, world, controls, multiplayer element and relationship to format/platform
Review 1
Ownership and Franchise
Give summary of company , history of franchise.
When was the game released in different formats ( e.g Vita , PS3 ) and was it a global release ? Was it released in physical and online form ?
Marketing and Advertising
How was game advertised ( trailers,posters, articles etc.) and what elements of the game/format were featured and focused upon and why ?
Summarise the sales of the game , the critical reception on different formats and audience/fan responses and feedback.
2013 PSP vita trailer foregrounding format
2014 Playstation 3 trailer differences and improvements focused on in new version to help sell to audiences
wikipedia compilation of reviews
article on sales gamesindustry biz
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
VIDEO GAMES : Your case study
Choose a video game ( part of an ongoing franchise) and research and explain all of the following areas. You should look at the official website , review websites and any other sources which give you reliable information. You should also link and upload relevant image and videos .
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
Video games : overview blog task
Define and explain all of the essential terminology related to video games listed below , including history, key terms, representation and the relevant theory. You can bullet point the terms or write a continuous report. There are some excellent points and examples in the Charlie Brooker video to help you , as well as the relevant pages in your textbook ( 115-119)
Charlie Brooker's history of video games
Charlie Brooker's history of video games
Monday, 15 January 2018
Blog Task : Daily Mirror analysis
A Analyse the following cover in terms of how the technical codes ( main image, headline, pull quote etc.) persuade the audience to buy the newspaper and how the audience is being persuaded to respond to the main news story.
Then analyse which factors that make up the news agenda ( threshold,unexpectedness, elite nations etc.) are being considered in the choice of cover story.
Then summarise the following information about the Mirror.
Tabloid or broadsheet ? What is a tabloid ?
Ownership : Who owns the Mirror?
What is the Mirror's political bias ? Left or right wing ? What does that mean ?
If you have already used this example and provided all of this information, analyse how the Times covered the same news event and give the same information
B Research and find out which organisation is responsible for regulation of the content of British newspapers , and how you make a complaint about accuracy or offensive content in a newspaper.
Then analyse which factors that make up the news agenda ( threshold,unexpectedness, elite nations etc.) are being considered in the choice of cover story.
Then summarise the following information about the Mirror.
Tabloid or broadsheet ? What is a tabloid ?
Ownership : Who owns the Mirror?
What is the Mirror's political bias ? Left or right wing ? What does that mean ?
If you have already used this example and provided all of this information, analyse how the Times covered the same news event and give the same information
B Research and find out which organisation is responsible for regulation of the content of British newspapers , and how you make a complaint about accuracy or offensive content in a newspaper.
Tuesday, 9 January 2018
BLOG TASK : Analysing newspapers
1 Analyse a UK newspaper front cover's use of technical codes , explaining the elements of the front cover and how the selected news stories have been covered. How is the newspaper encouraging the audience to buy the newspaper and how and what is the audience being persuaded to feel and think about the issues or events ?
2 Define and explain all of the following key terms about the newspaper industry and news agenda using your chosen newspaper as an example where possible.
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Paper 2 : (Television ) postmodernism in Life on Mars
EXAM QUESTION To what extent can S1 episode 1 of Life on Mars be seen as a postmodernist text ? ( 15 ) Which of the following...
EXAMPLE PAPER 2 with mark scheme and guidance All questions 30 marks ( 50 minutes ) if both texts o r 15 marks ( 25 minutes) if one te...
In demonstrating knowledge and understanding of, and making judgements and drawing conclusions about, the significance of economic factors ...