What kind of world is being represented by the media text and how is real life being constructed and mediated by the producers ? Is what it presents close to a reality ?
What elements of the group , issue or event being represented have been selected for the audience , and which elements have been ignored or removed ?
How are stereotypes used in the text ? Positively or negatively , and who is being stereotyped ?
Does the text reinforce these stereotypes or subvert, explore and challenge them, making the audience feel differently ?
Who is the target audience of the text ?
What is the context and purpose of the text , including the genre ?
What messages about the specific group /issue/event are contained in the text and how are they encoded and decoded in the technical codes ?
Representation of women in the media
Stereotype 1 : Sex object
Text : Blurred lines music video ( Robin Thicke /Pharrell )
No agency
Used/dominated by men for their own purposes
Disposable and replaceable
Often undressed /dressed provocatively
Looking to camera/men either blankly or indicating sexual availability
Stereotype 2 : Housewife/mother
Text : Asda Christmas advert 2012
Own desires secondary to family
Decision maker and organiser in all domestic matters
Main domestic worker : cooking,cleaning, picking up children, fixing ongoing issues
Text : Music video : Dear Future Husband ( Meghan Trainor)
Text : Music video : Hard out here ( Lily Allen)
Do these videos successfully subvert or challenge any of these stereotypes?
Text : Game cover : Tomb Raider ( 2013)
VIDEO ESSAY Born sexy yesterday
The Trinity Syndrome article
Representation of men in the media
Stereotypes and elements :
Sexuality /interest in sex
Competitiveness ( with other men/women)
Domination of women
Body image and physique
Power and independence
Head of family
Incompetence/lack of concern with domestic labour
Sexual attractiveness /concern with sexual attractiveness
Wealth and status
Stereotype 1 : Alpha Male
Blurred lines

Men's Health September 2014
Stereotype 2 : Nerd
Video essay : misogyny in The Big Bang Theory
Stereotype 3 : Lad
WKD advert " The lads clean "
Stereotype 4 : Failed Domestic male
Lynx : Find your magic
Representations of ethnicity in the media
Text : Axe : Welcome to the jungle
Dove advertising campaign article
Text : Beyonce Run the world ( girls)
White suburban villains vs black urban male hero in a film trailer which represents a variety of ethnicities within a thriller/horror narrative.
Representation of young people in the media
Text : The Inbetweeners ( episode 1)
The Inbetweeners Movie trailer
Daily Star/Daily Express front covers August 2011. UK riots.
Representation of older people in media texts
Reinforcing or challenging stereotypes : grumpy, ineffective, physically and mentally weak,wealthy, sexless etc. You can also look at specific genders .
Woman and Home November 2011
Visual codes
Language and lexis
Mode of address
Main image
Red 2 DVD cover
Dominant ideology of the text ( what the text feels about the event...celebration of national identity, tragic accident , disappointing result etc. )
Role of opinion leaders in the media : individuals with power such as newspaper editors, producers, celebrities,
Focus of the representation : which aspects are the audience being encouraged to look at and think about ( using technical codes)
How the representation of the event or issues is constructed : use of editing of footage, camera angles, selection of what is included and left out .
EVENT : Referendum on Britain leaving Europe 2016 ( Brexit)
MEDIA TEXTS : The Guardian and The Mail front covers on the day after.
Look at the how the event is represented differently in each text : ideology, elements focused on , technical codes : main image , layout, colour, language and lexis.
EVENT : Terrorism attack in London 2017
MEDIA TEXT 1 : Social media response to Muslim woman on Westminster bridge
The image and twitter conversation is the media text : it represents a small part of the event and focuses on the public response to the terrorist attack, focusing particularly on the Muslim woman's reaction.
As a media text the twitter conversation and image includes costume, props, posture and facial expression, and can also be analysed for representations of ethnicity and stereotypical and negative views of Islamic people.
MEDIA TEXT 2 : The Sun front cover
The Sun's front cover after the attack instead focuses on the event itself, the terrorist , and its effect and meaning in relation to Britain as a whole. Note how the coverage continues throughout the other pages, showing how important the event is , the choice and content of image and the language used. You could also use this text for representation of national identity.
EVENT : Trump's election
MEDIA TEXTS : various newspaper front covers
Look at the negative/neutral /positive representation of the even each front cover achieves , which elements of the event they focus on , and symbols and content of USA national identity it celebrates or refers to.
Are these reinforced or subverted in any way?
Much Apu about nothing
Homer's Phobia
Abe and the Flying Hellfish
A streetcar named Marge
Homer alone
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