Sunday, 10 December 2017

Weekly News

Good Morning All.

Scrolling through your Weekly News postings it seems that there is a trend through most of your work that I hoped to try and address in order to improve your entries which will ultimately help you when you need to recall any information from the topics that we have discussed in class.

Remember most importantly that these posting are for You! 

The detail of the research and contextually that you include will help to ensure that months down the line you will still have a comprehensive understanding, that will assist you through the exam modules.

So always include:-

What the source is and preferably the journalist. This can help you to understand what kind of bias may be influencing the telling of this story.

Contextualise the piece, where and when is this set? What is the social, political or economic background if relevant. Set the scene for your reader, bring us the story!

Refer to any comparisons to similar events or stories, what happened to the victims in the other stories?

Explore how have the audience reacted to the story was it a preferred, negotiated or oppositional response to what the Producer had intended?

Use contrasting opinions to demonstrate your understanding of the issues.

Conclude with your findings and suggestions.

Does this help to clarify the requirement for the posting?

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