Monday, 26 February 2018

FILM INDUSTRY : Case study

Analyse the marketing campaign for  Straight Outta Compton in terms of the following :

Identify its target audience ( mainstream/independent , age ,gender etc. ) based on the following
( budget, genre, plot, characters, narrative, production values , marketability, role of stars/director, visual appeal/style etc)

How the  film marketing has targeted its target audience :  analyse the technical codes of the  trailer and poster ( use of camera e.g closeups of star , editing , mis-en-scene, lighting and colour , sound and dialogue)

Analyse the viral  Straight Outta Somewhere marketing campaign  that was used to help publicise the film.   How did this campaign target audiences and what techniques did it use to raise awareness of and interest in the film ?

More information here

Summarise the commercial reception of the film : how financially successful was it ?
Were there any other media products linked to the film that would have also made money for the producers ?

 Give reasons why you feel the film was successful ( genre, producers,theme,audience , synergy with other media products/industries).

Regulation and Certification

What rating did the film receive from the BBFC ?
Did the Directors Cut receive a different rating ? If so, why ?
Are there any politically sensitive or controversial themes or content in the film ?

Tuesday, 20 February 2018


Analyse one "mainstream" high concept movie  and one "independent" drama/comedy covering the following :

How each film meets ( or does not meet ) the  definition of  being a mainstream/independent film
( size of audience , genre, characters, narrative, production values , marketability, role of stars/director, visual appeal/style etc)

How each film's trailer has targeted its different audience :  analyse the technical codes of each trailer ( use of camera e.g closeups of star , editing , mis-en-scene, lighting and colour , sound and dialogue)


  Who regulates the content  for both your films ?

 Who owns the production , distribution and exhibition of each film ?  What else do they own ? Any examples of vertical integration ?

Are there any political or social issues , or issues of representation , linked to the film's content ?




Black Panther trailer

Lady Bird trailer


Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Video Games Case Study : Assassins Creed 3 : Liberation

Complete a written case study of the game focusing on all of these elements, using the information from the  video links and websites.


Summarise genre, avator ( including personas) , world( setting, era etc.) controls and goals of game,  multiplayer options and limitations  

RESOURCES :Reviews and summaries of avator, world, controls, multiplayer element and relationship to format/platform



Ownership and Franchise

Give summary of company , history of franchise.


When was the game released in different formats ( e.g Vita , PS3 ) and was it a global release ? Was it released in physical and online form ?

Marketing and Advertising 

How was game advertised ( trailers,posters, articles etc.) and what elements of the game/format were featured and focused upon and why ?


Summarise the sales of the game , the critical reception on different formats and audience/fan responses and feedback.


2013 PSP vita trailer     foregrounding  format 

2014  Playstation 3 trailer     differences and improvements focused on in new version to help sell to audiences

wikipedia compilation of reviews 

article on sales  gamesindustry biz

Paper 2 : (Television ) postmodernism in Life on Mars

EXAM QUESTION     To what extent can S1 episode 1 of  Life on Mars be seen as a postmodernist text ?  ( 15 ) Which of the following...